The World Lighthouse Hub

Pharology - Contact


The author of this website is Dr. Ken Trethewey, who may be contacted at

or by mail at Gravesend Cottage, Gravesend, Cornwall, PL11 2LX

The author wishes to state the following:

This site is intended to be a provider of information for leisure and educational purposes only. It is constructed on the basis that everything is the creative output of Ken Trethewey. All written texts and photographs are the copyright of the author unless indicated otherwise. Permission to reproduce this material elsewhere must be obtained by contacting the author at the above e-mail address.

The author has done his best to provide accurate information, but no liability can be accepted for its use in any other circumstances. In some places, quotations from other sources are used and indicated as such. There is no intention on the part of the author to infringe any copyright, and if this is thought to have occurred, the copyright owner is requested to contact the author at the above address so that the mistake can be rectified.