The World Lighthouse Hub

Lighthouses of Antiquity - Index of Pages

A: Lighthouses of Antiquity - Index of Pages

A complete set of detailed papers about the history and development of ancient lighthouses can be downloaded here:

Ancient Lighthouses And Other Lighted Aids to Navigation (2018)

J01: The Literature

J02: The Mariners

J03: Greek Lightstructures

J04: The Phoenicians

J05: The Pharos of Alexandria

J06: Lighthouses After The Pharos

J07: A Catalogue of Ancient Lighthouses

J08: An Overview

A00: Summary
A01: Introduction
A02: The Evidence
A03: Early Civilizations
A04: The Egyptians
A05 The Construction of the Pharos of Alexandria
A06 The History of the Pharos of Alexandria
A07 Broader Influences
A08: The Romans
A09: The Galler of Maps in the Vatican
A10: Portus Romanus
A11: Centum Cellae
A12: Livorno
A13: The Phoenicians
A14: Carthage
A15: Phoenician Traders
A16: Phoenician Navigation
A17: The Greeks
A18: Athens
A19: Troy
A20: The Helladic Period
A21: Abydos and Sestos
A22: Sigeum
A23: Conclusions
A24: References

This work is now written in detail in the book, Ancient Lighthouses by Ken Trethewey

The work includes the most detailed account of the Pharos of Alexandria yet written.